Find out how to take control back!

At times, it may seem as though our minds have been hijacked. Most of us have a thousand things continually going through our thoughts, whether it’s from technologies designed to consume our attention, the worries of making ends meet, or just the stress of working in a world that’s linked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This can make us feel stressed out.  Wait! What happened to the last hour?

Our capacity for concentration and productivity can both suffer from a mind in overdrive. It might also be upsetting. Perhaps when we are tense or agitated, we snap at those who don’t really deserve it. Or perhaps we are so strained that our necks are physically hurting. Or perhaps our inability to sleep is due to the continual tension of a busy mind. The only thing we really want is our mind back, but how can we do that when we have intrusive thoughts that are hijacking our brains? Here are seven scientific techniques you can use right away.

Put an end to negative cycles

You know the feeling when you simply keep thinking about the same thing over and over again? Perhaps you’re obsessing over something you said that came off badly or stewing over something someone else said that really irked you. You are aware that your ideas are doing you no good, but you are unable to think of anything else since you are lost in your own thoughts. Rumination is what that’s called. 

Stopping these intrusive thoughts by deliberately changing your thoughts is one technique. But I guess it’s easier said than done, right? The best method to change your mind is typically to completely change your emphasis. For instance, you could choose a specific item in the space and begin describing every little feature you see, such as its color, shape, and size. What more do you see if you take a closer look at it? In this way,  the negative thought and emotion loops can be broken, even for a brief time, by turning your attention elsewhere.

Reformulate and Transform

We are indeed extremely focused when our minds become hijacked; we are just focusing on the wrong things. Most of the time, we become fixated on the bad aspects of whatever it is. We can change gears and start to calm our racing minds if we reframe the scenario, this time focusing on the positives.

Use of cognitive reappraisal  is one strategy for reframing a situation. Simply put, cognitive reappraisal is the process of changing our thinking in order to change our emotions. There are two ways we may accomplish this. The first strategy is to consider how much worse things could be—at least we aren’t starving or homeless. The second approach is to consider what’s genuinely positive about our circumstance—hey, maybe this is a chance to develop and learn. By rephrasing the scenario, we have control over what we focus on and can begin to regain control of our thoughts.

Practice mindfulness

Often, a mind that is busy is one that is preoccupied with either the past or the future. We could feel outraged or have anxiety over something that happened in the past or concerned about what might occur in the future. In either case, the present is not where we are. We may return to our bodies and leave our minds behind by practicing mindfulness. What then should we do?

We must cultivate acceptance as well as awareness in order to practice mindfulness. We need to begin developing our attention to notice the little things in order to become more aware. For example, how does the body feel by taking a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood? What bodily sensations do we experience? What are we contemplating, and why? But awareness alone cannot quiet our minds. In fact, hyperawareness might cause the mind to become even more busy. By mentally letting go of our thoughts when they come up, for example, you can envision them drifting away like clouds in the sky, we also need to develop acceptance. We may educate our minds to become aware of thoughts, let them go, and then let them go AGAIN!

Shut Down Your Mind

The brain has the annoying habit of doing the same things over and over again. This can mean that changing our thinking is ultimately challenging, especially for those of us who tend to overthink things. Our brains have become so adept at overthinking that they are unable to function in any other way. Because of this, sometimes turning off and restarting our minds is necessary to get our minds back.

By just altering your surroundings, you can quickly refresh your mind. Take a stroll, move to a new room – do whatever to reboot your brain.  Your brain’s functions may be briefly paused by these small alterations, causing it to switch gears. Take a mini-vacation to a different location for a more thorough brain refresh. Seven taking a cold shower or jumping in the pool can have this reset outcome. Make sure your mind has a chance to think about something else. Consider doing an activity that compels you to think about something else instead of that work project, such as climbing a mountain, creating a new meal, or creating art. You can reset your thoughts and begin by engaging in various activities. Live in the today and get out of your head!

Tell Your Mind- “I Am The Boss!”

Our minds frequently leave us feeling helpless since they seem to run rampant wherever they please. However, our brain is fundamentally simply a component of our body, and in the end, we have power over our body. How can we prevent our minds from shutting down is a similar question to how we can prevent our bodies from shutting down?? Glad you asked. Let me explain.

To remind our brain who is in charge, we just need to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system functions like the brakes when we get caught up in a stress cycle. When we engage this system, it inhibits the physiological reactions of flight or fight that occur when the body is under stress. Take a cold shower, gargle, or take a few long, deep breaths to assist you in your current mental concerns. These actions stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Shift the Way You Think

When we’ve “lost our minds,” we’re frequently also frustrated. We merely want “peace of mind” so that we can get things done. This mental anguish can be draining. But let’s halt and reconsider. The good news is that we truly do have a great imagination! And to regain our thoughts, we can employ our creativity and fantasize about our future.  You are allowed to do that!

The truth is that our thoughts are annoying because they are sometimes undesirable. We hardly ever become upset by happy ideas. Therefore, instead of creating negative thoughts, why don’t we use our creativity to create positive ones? Start by meditating! First, make sure you’re seated comfortably, and then close your eyes before doing this technique. Start to picture yourself in a lovely, tranquil location. Then picture yourself enjoying yourself while spending time with those you care about. As soon as your negative ideas start to fade, keep thinking these optimistic thoughts. Finally, take a few deep breaths and give these ideas some time to sink in. You’ve just reclaimed your mind by using your imagination. That is meditation!

Get Some Assistance to Reset and Calm Your Mind

You’ve just learned a ton of strategies for regaining your mind. However, there are times when you need a little extra assistance because your mind is so overloaded. I am always here to help with resetting and calming your thoughts.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) works beautifully for learning how to take back control of your mind. Thanks for stopping by to check out my tips and I sure hope they help!